You signed up at for Elite Benefits.
Our records show that your credit card did not hold the full charge. Regretfully, we are not able to provide services to you without being able to charge your card.
Consequently, your account has been cancelled until your information can be updated.
NOTE: For your security, your credit card information is not stored within our system. Therefore, you will have to reactivate your account by following these simple steps:
1) Click this link:
(if the link does not work simply copy and paste it into your address bar)
2) In upper right hand corner, click LOG IN and enter your EMAIL and PASSWORD.
3) On your PROFILE page, select your PLAN and choose your product(s).
4) Then, enter your new credit card information when requested.
5) You will receive a new welcome email and membership card(s).
Thank you,
Gateway Benefit Suite
Support Team
If you have a billing question that was not answered
please email